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Making paper abstracts readable!

2021 February

Hardcoded Attention

The transformer architecture is simply composed of stacked linear layers through which data is passing in a unique manner. The attention module consist of three separate neural nets...

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2020 September

RFID Tattoo

UbiComp 2020, an A* conference on Ubiquitous and Pervasive Wearable technologies ended with a beautiful surprise. Never in my wildest dreams, had I thought that...

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2020 August

Image GPT

The language models have been the torchbearers of SOTA in NLP from the past three years, which honestly, in deep learning years is equivalent to a decade!...

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2020 July

Adversarial Reprogramming of NN

Leonardo DiCaprio famously said in his Oscar speech, “The climate change is real!”. Looking at the compute used by recent DL papers, I would not be surprised if...

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2020 June


Recently ICLR 2020 concluded with its virtual conference and among the 687 papers that were present in the fabled conference, one particularly caught my eye, ELECTRA...

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2020 May

Is Bigger the Better?

Last year, a debate sprang across the NLP community when Google released XLNet, a model that improved upon BERT on 20 tasks! But...

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2020 April

RNN vs LSTM vs Transformer

With the advent of data science, NLP researchers started modelling languages to better understand the context of the sentences for different NLP tasks.

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2020 April

How do a machine sees a text?

The relation of raw data with numbers may not be as intuitive as it seems.

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